How do I cancel my account?
To cancel your account, you can send an email to: [email protected] with the subject line “CANCEL ACCOUNT”.
Does deleting an account cancel the subscription?
Deleting an account does not cancel a subscription.
How do you delete your Highrise account?
To delete your Highrise account, go to and follow the instructions.
How do I delete a buffer account?
To delete a buffer account on your Mac, open the System Preferences window, click Accounts, click the name of the buffer account you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.
How do I cancel an app subscription?
If you have an Apple account, you can cancel your subscription in the App Store. If you have a Google account, you can cancel your subscription in the Google Play Store.
How do I delete my ID Me account?
Follow these steps to delete your ID Me account:
Log in to your ID Me account.
Click the “Your Account” link at the top of the page.
Under ‘Your account settings’, click the ‘Deactivate my account’ link.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the deactivation process.
Is logging out the same as deleting an account?
No, logging out is not the same as deleting an account. Deleting an account will remove all user data from the platform. Opting out will not delete any data, but the user will not be notified of new content or updates to the platform.
Is deleting an app the same as unsubscribing?
Deleting an app is the same as unsubscribing from the app notifications.
How do you uninstall a paid app?
There is no universal way to uninstall a paid app as the process depends on the app and the device it was downloaded from. In general, you should contact the developer of the app and request access to your account. Once you have that access, you can remove the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play Store.
Is high-rise buildings free?
Yes, high-rise buildings are free to use.
What is Highrisehq?
Highrisehq is a website that provides a variety of tools and resources for developers who build high-rise buildings.
How do I cancel my account on basecamp?
To cancel your account on Basecamp, go to the account settings page and click on “Cancel my account”.
Can I get a refund from the buffer?
Yes, you can get a refund from Buffer. However, some restrictions and conditions apply. You can read more about it here.
How do you cancel an Apple app purchase?
Yes, you can get a refund from Buffer. However, there are some limitations to this policy. First, refunds are only made for unused buffer space. Second, only the first month of use will be refunded.
Can I cancel Apple subscriptions online?
Yes, you can cancel your subscriptions online. To do this, open the App Store on your device and go to the Subscriptions tab. Tap the subscription you want to cancel and follow the onscreen instructions.